Our brains can be trained just like any other muscle. This project is about how this new “brain gym” left academia and started improving people’s mental abilities.
Neroes has developed an innovative brain training platform that uses an EEG headset and software to improve cognitive abilities and emotional well-being through a gamified experience, changing the way we think about mental health and performance.
Neroes has developed an innovative brain training platform that uses an EEG headset and software to improve cognitive abilities and emotional well-being through a gamified experience, changing the way we think about mental health and performance.
The challenge was that off-the-shelf EEG headsets are very hard to position on the head for a correct sensor placement, they are very uncomfortable, not visually appealing and too big. The goal was to design a device that effortlessly positions the sensors for most head sizes, that has a sports like or super hero design and that is comfortable to use during training. The startup also requested the device to be durable, easy to clean and intuitive to use.
The headset has dampeners that ensure a strong sensor signal but with low pressure and discomfort and a back spring that allows the it to be adjusted to the head, automatically aligning the sensors. The material of the full headset also acts as a spring that adjusts it to the user's head. The product has a minimalist button on top, and after taking it off the box the user can turn on the device and see the light turning yellow. By fitting the headset from the back to the front, the positioning becomes aligned, and the user can start using the game and training for mental ability enhancement immediately. The whole system was designed for disassembly, allowing for product updates and maintenance and lowering environmental impact, with every part composed of monomaterial and 100% recyclable.
The challenge was that off-the-shelf EEG headsets are very hard to position on the head for a correct sensor placement, they are very uncomfortable, not visually appealing and too big. The goal was to design a device that effortlessly positions the sensors for most head sizes, that has a sports like or super hero design and that is comfortable to use during training. The startup also requested the device to be durable, easy to clean and intuitive to use.
The headset has dampeners that ensure a strong sensor signal but with low pressure and discomfort and a back spring that allows the it to be adjusted to the head, automatically aligning the sensors. The material of the full headset also acts as a spring that adjusts it to the user's head. The product has a minimalist button on top, and after taking it off the box the user can turn on the device and see the light turning yellow. By fitting the headset from the back to the front, the positioning becomes aligned, and the user can start using the game and training for mental ability enhancement immediately. The whole system was designed for disassembly, allowing for product updates and maintenance and lowering environmental impact, with every part composed of monomaterial and 100% recyclable.